아래의 정보를 입력하시고 동의 후 확인 버튼을 누르시면 제품의 사양, 메뉴얼, 도면 파일이 다운로드 가능합니다.
Not for use with new applications. This product has been replaced with VPRO-MAX-WB.
USB Dongle for Deployment:
-Dongle is included with order
-All software license keys and security bits are located on dongle
-Licenses can be used for FireWire, GigE, or 3rd party acquisition
-For VisionPro 8.4 SR3 through VisionPro 9.2
-Does not include Cognex Designer
-Support up to 8 cameras
Features include PLUS features with the addition of:
-Synthetic PatMax
-Data Matrix Process Control
For additional development licenses for using a laptop or desktop PC, please order a development license dongle: